Monday, October 7, 2019

Good questions to ask your child....

1. How do we order pictures? (In about three weeks, toward the end of October, students will get a special code with instructions explaining how to place an order)
2. When is the Unit One Math Test? (Tomorrow, we reviewed the Study Guide today)
3. When is your first field trip? (October 24th)
4. When will permission slips be sent home? (Friday)
5. When can we pay on-line? (Friday)
6. What is the cost? ($9.50)
7. Where are you going? (Paramount Theater in Saint Cloud, Alice In Wonderland) 
8. When is stuffed animal day? (Wednesday, Oct. 9th)

9. Why are you having a stuffed animal day? (Because it's good to have small celebrations to reward our awesomeness)