Thursday, September 19, 2019

Good questions to ask your child...

1. How many compliments has your class earned? (8 for Mr. Krupa's class)
2. What did you talk about in your SEL class? (Respect - How to earn it and how to show it)
3. Which team won the desk cleaning inspection today? Was it your team? 9Mr. Krupa's class only.
4. What were the topics in the Quizizz contests today? (Multiplication and Rounding)
5. What score did you earn on the 3's Speed Test? (Mr. Krupa's Class)
6. Do you have all of these items completed and entered in Schoology?
   Math 1.1 - 1.7
   Quiz #1
  Comprehension Mr. Krupa's Class
  Montana/Wyoming - Must use school atlas to complete - not homework
7. Are you ready for the September Mid-Month Quiz? (Being prepared means having your agenda filled out and your Math Notebook completed.