Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Good questions to ask your child...

1. How do use split screen with Notability and Schoology? Hmm, show me? Cool!!! (Do know that today was the first day I taught them how to save an assignment on Notability and share (split) the screen with Schoology, so if they struggle to recall how to do it, it's okay).
3. So, if you leave your math 1.6 worksheet at school and it's not done, where could you still find it? (on their iPad).
4. How do you play, I Am the Greatest?
5. Name a state that borders Montana? Name all four? (South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho).
6. Do you have homework tonight? (Yes, Math 1.6 homework sheet).

More information can be found at krupafourthgrade.blogspot.com